Jack Domark
College IIISaint John Paul II Seminary
Catholic High School
And he called to him the multitude with his disciples, and said to them, “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. Mark 8:34-35
My name is John (Jack) Domark, and I live in a loving family of seven. As a young kid, my family moved frequently for the Navy, but after moving to Virginia Beach, we settled there. I went through elementary education at St Gregory the Great and then graduated from Catholic High School (CHS) in 2022. I encountered the joy of Jesus in a life changing way at the March for Life Evening of Prayer my Freshman year when I saw countless people my age expressing so much joy in the context of Catholicism. The Lord used that joy to stir a desire in my heart to enter deeper into relationship with Him and receive that joy for myself. A few months later, I encountered the peace of the Holy Spirit in a profound way during Eucharistic Adoration at a Steubenville Conference. God poured gasoline on the fire of faith in my heart and there has been no going back. I left that conference not knowing where God was calling me in regards to my Vocation, but I knew He was calling me to serve.
Spending time with Jesus, present in the tabernacle in CHS’s chapel, consecrating myself to Mother Mary, and being able to go to morning Mass at St Gregory’s changed my heart over the next few years. As I fell more in love with God, I stopped praying for clarity with respect to my Vocational discernment and started praying only that Jesus give me more of Himself. When my sole focus became entering deeper into relationship with Jesus, the Lord brought me peace and directed my steps for the future. I am very excited to start my first year of formation! Please pray for me and all my brother seminarians!
“Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure” -St John Paul II
Favorite Saints: Mother Mary, St Joseph, St John the Apostle, St Francis de Sales
Favorite Hobbies: Soccer, Spikeball, Surfing