Seminarian Division: Propaedeutic Stage

Martin Kroll

I was born and raised in Richmond Virginia and have spent all of my earthly life in the same house near the city limits.  I was homeschooled through high school […]

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Tim Soukup

Hey. Just a little about me. I was born in Norfolk, Va, but I have lived in the suburbs of Richmond for most of my life. I am the second […]

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Austin Alanis

Hello! I am the son of 2 awesome parents and the oldest of 3 children. Our family was a military family, so we made our home wherever the Marine Corps […]

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Andrew Allen

I was born in Bellevue, Washington, but my family moved to Virginia when I was a few months old. I grew up in Stafford County in a Protestant household with […]

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Martin Beers

I grew up in Blacksburg, VA. My parents are converts to the Catholic faith, and I was raised Catholic from around age eight. I attended Thomas Aquinas College in California […]

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Carlos Gonzalez Jr.

Hello! My name is Carlos Gonzalez. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, but have lived in Virginia for most of my life. I come from a blended family and have […]

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