William Yearout
First TheologySt. Mary's Seminary & University
Saint Leo University
I was born in Radford, Virginia and grew up there for a time before moving to nearby Floyd, Virginia. I have two younger brothers, being the oldest of three. I originally went to school at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise before transferring to Saint Leo University. I was raised in an Anabaptist denomination before falling out in my teenage years. After some time away from any religious practice I had a long conversion experience while in college. It took me in a few different directions, but I eventually found my way home to the Catholic Church. I was received into the Church at St. Anthony parish in Norton, Virginia.
As I grew in the practice of my faith, particularly in learning to serve at the Altar and in other capacities at the Sacred Liturgy, I felt a familiar tug in my heart – that God was calling me to something deeper. Becoming involved with other parishes in the deep southwest of our Diocese, I felt a strong desire to serve the people of God. As I continued to learn the tenets of the Faith, it became evident to me that God was putting a sense of vocation on my heart, a calling to serve Him as a Priest. After working for a few years as a Youth Minister in the New River Valley area, and with deep involvement at my hometown parish of All Saints in Floyd, this sense of a call became too strong to ignore. I am currently in my second year of Philosophy at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and look forward to all of the blessings which are to come in this time with the Lord. Please continue to keep me in your prayers as I discern the Lord’s will.
Favorite Book(s): Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich, The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day
Favorite Saint(s): St. Augustine, Venerable Fulton Sheen, St. Thomas Becket, St. Francis of Assisi