Tim Soukup

Propaedeutic Stage

Blessed Stanley Rother House of Formation at Mount St. Mary's
Midlothian High School

Hey. Just a little about me. I was born in Norfolk, Va, but I have lived in the suburbs of Richmond for most of my life. I am the second of nine kids. I grew up Catholic and attended a parochial school through middle school. In high school, even though I was given a good catholic upbringing, I turned away from the faith and embraced a very passionate atheism, convinced that all religion was absolute foolishness. But it is very hard to run from God forever. After I graduated high school, I started to reevaluate what was important in my life and what gave it meaning. Through discussions with my parents and others, my own investigation via the internet, and, most of all, the persistent love of the Holy Spirit, I discovered the answers to all my objections, answers that I did not think existed.

After high school, I did some courses for my undergrad, but I am yet to complete my degree. I found great joy in the jobs that I had, including being a swim coach and working as a carpenter. But most of all, I loved sharing the faith that I had rediscovered with others. Theology became my obsession. Eventually I had a very impactful experience that I thought was a call to the priesthood. I pursued it for a while, but I was very non-committal and decided to move on with my life. But it is very hard to run from God forever. After having a second profound experience, I decided that I had to take discernment of my vocation seriously and I began an internship with the diocese to better discern the priesthood and pastoral life.

I am blessed to be where I am now. It has been quite a crooked line, but we hold de fide that God is with us through all our ups and downs. I’ll leave you with the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, words that I try to live my life by, words that speak to the ultimate meaning of life and lead to true happiness: “Non nisi te, domine.” (“Nothing if not you, Lord”)


Home Parish: Saint Benedict, Richmond

Favorite Saint:  Saint Thomas Aquinas

Favorite Book:  The Lord of the Rings

Hobbies:  Board games, Reading, Sport, Writing