Discerning in College

Living out your faith on a college campus is tough, but it can be an incredibly fruitful place to discern where the Lord is leading you!

An excellent time to discern.

For a lot of men, college is the first time they ever started seriously considering that God might be calling them to the priesthood. Or maybe you’ve had the idea of a priestly vocation in your mind for most of your life, but now you’re thinking about taking more concrete steps to explore that possibility.

Regardless of your background, college is an excellent time to start taking that call seriously. For many students, learning to live out the Catholic faith on their own for the first time in a university environment can be a challenge, but it can also be a wonderful time for growth and learning to seek God’s will for your life.

Get involved at your Catholic Campus Ministry

During your time at college, your Catholic Campus Ministry is one of your greatest resources for your prayer life and discernment.
Most importantly, your campus ministry is your lifeline to God’s grace through Mass and the sacraments.

However, the benefits don’t end there. Getting connected to your local campus ministry will surround you with people who are focused on the same goal you are – seeking holiness in college! Having the support and influence of a good Catholic community makes a huge difference when it comes to discerning a vocation to the priesthood.

Photo Credit: Patrick Dunford, 2016

Join a Melchizedek Group

Most college campuses in the Diocese of Richmond have active “Melchizedek Groups.” These small groups are mainly focused on vocational discernment, but also give guys a chance to encourage one another to grow in discipleship and holiness. Without the support of fellow men striving to live the Christian life, it’s very difficult to discern any vocation, much less a call to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Be sure to ask your campus minister to see if your school currently has a Melchizedek Group and if they do, don’t be afraid to check it out! These are low-pressure ways to get the info you need.

Attend the “Duc in Altum” Discernment Retreat

Finally, make sure to take advantage of diocesan vocation events, especially our annual “Duc In Altum” discernment retreat for college students and young adults.
This event offers you the opportunity to get away from the daily pressure of campus life, connect you with other young men on the same journey of discernment, and can give you the tools and time for prayer you need to consider God’s will for your life.

Duc in Altum: Men's Discernment Retreat

Grow in your relationship with the Lord, and carve out time to hear His voice.

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